%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} %define use_pylint 0 Name: nitrate Version: 3.3.4 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Test Case Management System Group: Development/Languages License: GPLv2+ URL: https://fedorahosted.org/nitrate/ Source0: https://fedorahosted.org/releases/n/i/nitrate/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python-setuptools BuildRequires: python2-devel %if %{use_pylint} BuildRequires: pylint BuildRequires: Django %endif Requires: Django = 1.2.5 Requires: mod_python Requires: mod_ssl Requires: python-memcached Requires: python-kerberos Requires: kobo-django >= 0.2.0-3 Requires: mod_auth_kerb Requires: mod_wsgi Requires: w3m %description Nitrate is a tool for tracking testing being done on a product. It is a database-backed web application, implemented using Django %prep %setup -q # Fixup the version field in the page footer so that it shows the precise # RPM version-release: sed --in-place \ -r 's|NITRATE_VERSION|%{version}|' \ templates/tcms_base.html %build %{__python} setup.py build %if %{use_pylint} # Run pylint. Halt the build if there are errors # There doesn't seem to be a good way to get the result of pylint as an # exit code. (upstream bug: http://www.logilab.org/ticket/4691 ) # Capture the output: pylint --rcfile=tcms/pylintrc tcms > pylint.log # Ensure the pylint log makes it to the rpm build log: cat pylint.log # Analyse the "Messages by category" part of the report, looking for # non-zero results: # The table should look like this: # +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ # |type |number |previous |difference | # +===========+=======+=========+===========+ # |convention |0 |0 |= | # +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ # |refactor |0 |0 |= | # +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ # |warning |0 |0 |= | # +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ # |error |0 |0 |= | # +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ # # Halt the build if any are non-zero: grep -E "^\|convention[ ]*\|0[ ]*\|" pylint.log || exit 1 grep -E "^\|refactor[ ]*\|0[ ]*\|" pylint.log || exit 1 grep -E "^\|warning[ ]*\|0[ ]*\|" pylint.log || exit 1 grep -E "^\|error[ ]*\|0[ ]*\|" pylint.log || exit 1 %endif %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__python} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT # Copy static content from 32/64bit-specific python dir to shared data dir: mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_docdir}/%{name} for d in contrib templates media; do cp -r ${d} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}; done for f in `find tcms/core/lib -name templates`; do cp -r ${f}/* ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/templates/; done # Install apache config for the app: install -m 0644 -D -p contrib/conf/nitrate-httpd.conf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d/%{name}.conf %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc LICENSE COPYING docs/INSTALL docs/AUTHORS docs/ChangeLog docs/README docs/RELEASENOTES docs/UPGRADING docs/XMLRPC docs/testopia-dump-blank.sql docs/mysql_initial.sql %{python_sitelib}/tcms/ %{python_sitelib}/Nitrate-%{version}-py*.egg-info/ %{_datadir}/%{name} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d/%{name}.conf %changelog *Thu Jun 9 2011 Yuguang Wang - 3.3.4-2 - Change dependency package(django) from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5. - Add denpendency package mod_python *Fri Apr 14 2011 Yuguang Wang - 3.3.4-1 - Update changelog section in spec file. *Fri Mar 3 2011 Yuguang Wang - 3.3-4 - Fixed an urgent issue while 'expand all' that may cause service error - Fixed bz 681156 679677 672495 *Fri Feb 25 2011 Yuguang Wang - 3.3-3 - Remove 'running date' and add 'run date' in test case run details page. - Fixed bz 680315 680321 627236 680322 680059 676259 678643 674754 676590 *Tue Feb 15 2011 Yuguang Wang - 3.3-2 - Some userablity improvements. - Fixed bz 664025 658372 667304 654533 672873 664743 672857 - Fixed bz 657474 649293 643324 653815 658475 672622 *Mon Jan 24 2011 Yuguang Wang - 3.3-1 - Improved style of filtering test case runs page. - Include apache QPID support - Completed global signal processor - Fixed case run percent counter - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Thu Dec 1 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.2-4 - Re-enabled assignee update notification. - Some useability bug fixes: 658160 658495 * Tue Nov 30 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.2-3 - Remove the JSCal2 DateTime? widget(no longer in use). - Added grappelli skin for tinyMCE - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Tue Nov 23 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.2-2 - Fixed own username/email in user profile display without register support - Completed UI FEAT - Add case default tester in search plan - Fixed username regex like Django restrictive - Swap the first/last name in profile - Fixed the run information style - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Tue Nov 9 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.2-1 - Makes nitrate Django 1.2 compatible - Add csrf to templates/admin pages for Django 1.2 - Refined the js, split the case to confirmed cases and reviewing cases - Completed basic info editing/viewing in profile - Add the title/nav/footer to 404 & 500 error page - Add NEED_UPDATE status to test case status - Initial completed bookmark feature - Completed reviewer for case and the mail notification when update reviewer - Fixed new admin URL - Lots of bug fixes, see ChangeLog. - Merged the index page to profile - Fixed default url redirect after login - Initial completed the clone mulitple run from plan function - Refine Home page - Initial refined the mass status/priority operation function - Fixed add bookmark without content_type issue - Changed commit style, added order to comment - Fixed redirect to review cases after case creation - Refined the delete comment feature - Fixed log display in details page - Fixed auto case expanding in run page - Fixed toolbar style on Chrome and safari - Fixed update assignee feature - Completed password change feature - Removed the execute run link - Completed registration feature - Completed password reset feature - Refined the update case run text and re-order case run feature - Completed paginatation for case/run/plan list - Linked the user linke to profile * Fri Sep 17 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.1.1-3 - Fixed global plan search issue. * Wed Sep 15 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.1.1-2 - Optimized the performance for pagination - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Wed Sep 8 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.1.1-1 - Improve the run report - Fixed custom reporting search condition - Added highcharts for future reporting - Add pagination feature for TCMS test plans, test cases and test runs. - Refined add plan to case feature - Completed add multiple plan to a case feature - Added parent modify feature to XML-RPC - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Thu Aug 12 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.1.0-2 - Enhanced the reporting feature. * Thu Aug 12 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.1.0-1 - Completed new report with customization - Fixed bz 612803 609777 618710 599313 619247 591823 618183 619403 599448 621777 598409 * Fri Aug 2 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.4-3 - Fixed #612797 - The Property in Environment can not be deleted - Fixed #616463 - Remove property doesn't work in TCMS * Fri Jul 30 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.4-2 - Fixed #619247 - Cannot update test case status * Wed Jul 21 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.4-1 - First open sourced version. - Added all of docs lacked for installation/upgrading/usage. - Move the compoent of the case to be a tab - Use the updateObject() function to reimplemented multiple operations. - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Mon Jun 28 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.3-2.svn2859 - Update the plan list & case list & run list - Update the case run list - Change from_config()'s return value from Nitrate to NitrateXmlrpc? - Completed edit environment in run page - Use updateObject() function to modify the sortkey for caserun - Fixed create case failed issue - Completed feature #604860 - further improvement Add 'pk' for each item under … - Fixed TestCase?.link_plan function returns - Optimized front page display - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Sat Jun 12 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.3-1.svn2841 - Fixed remove case function in plan - Fixed edit env property/value name to exist name caused 500 error - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Tue Jun 8 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.2-2.svn2819 - Fixed tags lacked after search issue. - Optimized batch automated operation form - Fixed some UI issues. - Fixed bz 598935 598909 599465 593091 * Thu Jun 3 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.2-1.svn2805 - Use livepiple to replace scriptaculous and clean up the js codes. - Added initial data for syncdb. - Added unit test script. - Merged testplans.views.cases and testcases.views.all - Ability to mark test case as 'Manual', 'Automated' and 'Autopropsed' - Fixed TestRun.update() XML-RPC docs. - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Wed May 19 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.1-3.svn2748 - Fixed bz 592212 543985 561234 577124 592974 592973 - Fixed report 500 service error - Fixed get_components XML-RPC typo mistake and added docs to new filter … * Thu May 13 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.1-2.svn2736 - Completed signal handler for mailing by a standalone threading - Optimized the menu style - Several bug fixes(see ChangeLog for details) * Tue May 11 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0.1-1.svn2728 - Refined whole UI. - Optimized query count for performance. - Add examples to XML-RPC docs. - Completed following methods for XML-RPC: Product.filter(), - Product.filter_categories(), Product.filter_components(), Product.filter_versions(), - Product.get_component(), Product.get_tag(), Product.get_versions(), - Product.lookup_id_by_name(), TestCase.calculate_average_estimated_time(), - TestCase.calculate_total_estimated_time(), User.filter(), User.get(), User.update(). - Fixed UI bugs: 590647, 583908, 570351, 588970, 588565, 578828, 562110, 582958, 542664. - Fixed app bugs: 582517, 582910, 584838, 586684, 584342, 578828, 577820, 583917, 562110, - Fxied app bugs: 588595, 560791, 584459. 580494, 570351, 589124, 577130, 561406, 586085. * Fri Apr 16 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0-1b2.svn2665 - Fixed 582517 582910 574663 - Completed Ability to edit environment for existed test run - Completed change case run assignee feature - Completed get form ajax responder - Optimized get info responder * Wed Apr 14 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 3.0-1b1.svn2650 - Initial completed most new features, extend database schema - Initial completed bookmark(watch list) feature(Models added) - Initial completed modify run environment value feature(Backend code) - Extend the schema for outside bug track system(Backend code) - Improve run mail feature - Optimized XML-RPC and the docs - Fixed 'Save and add another' crash when create new case - Fixed Assign case to run and create new run without default tester. - Fixed Build.create() bug - Fixed TestRun.get_test_case_runs() bug * Thu Apr 1 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.3-5.svn2599 - Fixed add tag to run cause to crash issue. * Mon Mar 29 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.3-4.svn2594 - Completed create/update functions for XML-RPC. - Fixed web browser compatible issues. - Improve review case progress. * Tue Mar 23 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.3-3.svn2577 - Fixed Webkit based browser compatible issues - Fixed TinyMCE in Webkit based browser compatible issues - Fixed UI Bug: #570351, #553308 * Mon Mar 22 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.3-2.svn2568 - Fixed search case without product issue(r2567) - Fixed create run foot UI issue(r2566) - Fixed update component in search case issue(r2565) * Thu Mar 18 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.3-1.svn2564 - Complete most of XML-RPC functions. - Complete batch operation for case including setting priority, add/remove tag. - Fixed most of bugs. * Wed Mar 17 2010 Xuqing Kuang -2.2-4.svn2504 - Fixed version in web ui incorrect. * Fri Mar 12 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.2-3.svn2504 - HOT BUG FIXING - #572487 * Thu Mar 4 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.2-2.svn2504 - Fixed UI bug: Execute link exceed the width issue - Fixed UI bug: CC for run page display issue * Mon Mar 1 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.2-1.svn2500 - Add a new serializer for XMLRPC serialization - Fixed KerbTransport authorization issue - Change deployment method to WSGI - A lot of bugs fixing for application. - Fixed a lot of UI bugs * Thu Feb 11 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.1-4.svn2461 - Fixed application bug #561620 - Fixed bz 529807 561610 552923 561252 553308 558955 560091 560055 * Tue Feb 2 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.1-3.svn2449 - Remove product version from case search page. - Optimize search case form. * Tue Feb 2 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.1-2.svn2446 - Fixed the case display with the bug added directly in case page in run issue. - Fixed edit case component selector issue. - Case product link to category now, disconnect from plan. * Mon Feb 1 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.1-1.svn2443 - Rewrite get case details to ajax code, for optimize performance - Add tag support for test run - Add bug to case directly now supported. * Mon Jan 18 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-3.svn2403 - Fixed hot issue #556382 * Mon Jan 18 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-2.svn2402 - Fixed auto blind down issue - Completed add tag to case/plan when create backend function - Fixed 555702 555703 555707 554676 * Fri Jan 15 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-1.svn2394 - Fixed most of bugs - The component will add to new product specific in clone function - Use Cache backend to handle session - More optimization * Mon Jan 11 2010 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-1RC.svn2368 - Fixed a lot of bugs - Optimize new comment system - Completed new log system - Add new case fiter to plan - Improve new review workflow - Update setup.py * Tue Dec 29 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-1beta.svn2318 - First public beta release of 2.0 - Rewrite most components - Add estimated time into run - Add test case review workflow - Add XML-RPC interface - Use a lot Ajax to instead of render whole page - Redesign the interface * Fri Dec 18 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.3-3.svn2261 - Add case run changelog show in run details page feature * Tue Dec 8 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.3-2.svn2229 - Fixed reporing when plan count is null issue - Update overview report of product statistics SQL - Fixed 544951 544229 543985 544951 * Fri Dec 4 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.3-1.svn2213 - Optimize delete case/run ACL policy. - Initial completed Reporting feature. - Initial XML-RPC interface - Fixed bz 541823 541829 * Wed Nov 25 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.2-3.svn2167 - Made a mistake in checkout the source, so rebuild it. * Wed Nov 25 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.2-2.svn2167 - Use QuerySet update function to batch modify the database - Restore search detect in plan all page - Fixed bug 530478 538747 540794 538849 540371 * Fri Nov 20 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.2-1.svn2143 - Fixed bz 530010 531942 536996 533866 536982 533869 - Optimize a lot of UI and frontend permission control - Remove manage case page - Enhanced sort case feature with drag and drop in plan and run - Completed change multiple case status at one time - Completed change run status feature - Completed clone multiple plan feature - Completed upload plan document with ODT format - Completed case attachment feature * Mon Nov 9 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.1-1.svn2097 - Release 1.1 version TCMS - Completed clone case/run feature - Refined the UI structure - Add XML-RPC interface for ATP * Mon Nov 9 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.0-9.svn2046 - Add mod_auth_kerb.patch for authorize with apache kerberos module. * Thu Oct 22 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.0-7.svn2046.RC - Improve templates * Thu Oct 22 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.0-6.svn2046.RC - Imporove test plan clone feature - Fixed failed case run count in run details page - Add RELEASENOTES * Wed Oct 21 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 1.0-5.svn2042.RC - Realign the version to 1.0 - Fixed most of bugs * Wed Oct 16 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-4.svn2006.RC - Fixed other unimportant bugs, release RC. * Wed Oct 14 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-3.svn1971 - Fixed most of bugs and get ready to GA. - KNOWN ISSUE: Search case to add to plan just complete the page design, is waiting for logic function. * Wed Sep 30 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-2.svn1938 - Rewrite assign case page - Rewrite attachment implementation - Search with environment is available - Fixed app bugs: 524578 524568 524534 - Fixed UI Bugs: 524530 525044 524568 524140 525614 524777 525630 525830 525606 * Tue Sep 23 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-2.svn1898 - Completed environment element modfiy/delete feature in admin - Fixed bz 525039 521327 524230 524536 524530 518652 524774 525044 524778 * Tue Sep 15 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-1.svn1863 - Remove case from plan - Sort case in plan - Fixed edit case issue * Tue Sep 1 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-1.svn1833 - Fixed a lot of bug. - Redesign the interface. * Wed Jul 22 2009 Xuqing Kuang - 2.0-1.svn1799 - Rewrite most of components - Add tables from Django - dump version to 2.0 (trunk development version) * Thu Mar 19 2009 David Malcolm - 0.16-6.svn1547 - require kerberos authentication * Tue Mar 17 2009 David Malcolm - 0.16-5.svn1525 - mark tcms/product_settings.py as being a config file - add dependency on mod_ssl * Tue Mar 17 2009 David Malcolm - 0.16-4.svn1525 - substitute RPM metadata into the page footer so that it always shows the exact revision of the code - bump to svn revision 1525 * Thu Mar 12 2009 David Malcolm - 0.16-3.svn1487 - drop the dist tag * Thu Mar 12 2009 David Malcolm - 0.16-2.svn1487 - add build-requires on Django to try to get pylint to work (otherwise: tcms/urls.py:11: [E0602] Undefined variable 'patterns') * Thu Mar 12 2009 David Malcolm - 0.16-1.svn1487 - 0.16 - add build-requires on python-setuptools * Tue Feb 24 2009 David Malcolm - 0.13-4 - fix regexp for pylint errors * Tue Feb 24 2009 David Malcolm - 0.13-3 - add code to invoke pylint. Stop building the rpm if pylint finds a problem. * Wed Feb 18 2009 David Malcolm - 0.13-2.svn1309 - add mod_python and python-memcached dependencies - move static content to below datadir - add apache config to correct location * Thu Feb 12 2009 David Malcolm - 0.13-1.svn1294 - initial packaging